Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Is Clean Ever too Clean?

Most of us have to work within a budget, so that is the determining factor in how often you might want a service to come to your home to clean for you but there are a couple of other considerations. If you have children ... especially teenagers that come and go - with friends, you might not be able to clean near often enough to keep up but for the average family every other week is just about right. It seems a reasonable length of time between dust bunny accumulations to not be noticable and not so often as to be a drain on the household budget. If you entertain, even spontaneously the house is always ready for guests and it's just sooo nice to come home to a clean home, be it apartment or mansion. There's never an odor in the home either since regular sanitizing of wet areas keeps the bacteria colonies at bay. We offer weekly, bi-weekly every four week or as-needed service, whatever span works best for your schedule.

We were just called by a lovely executive/wife/mom who had given up her previous service years before because her conscience nagged her that she was supporting various illegal aliens on the payroll of the service she'd hired. She'd been trying to keep it up all by herself until the day she decided to call us for help. She was on her knees scrubbing a spot beneath the kitchen counter and she misjudged coming up and took a nasty bump on the head. As she lay on the kitchen floor, head throbbing and looking at the ceiling she thought, "I've had enough of this!" She was tired of being angry all day every Saturday while she picked up and cleaned behind her busy family. A family too busy to do it for themselves, in their minds. This way she can leave the scrubbing to us and enjoy her family AND her Saturdays -- without a headache. For her, that is just about clean enough. And that's what we take pride in offering; more time for the things that count!

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