Thursday, August 6, 2009

Trust Me

There's an old ethnic joke that asks "How does a ____ (you fill in the blank) say 'trust me'?Answer: 'With a stab in the back'! And haven't we all felt like we've encountered that person?

Be sure the cleaning company you hire can prove they carry the insurance they claim to carry -- that you really can trust them. Why is that important? Your homeowners' policy is at risk otherwise. If you hire an independent cleaner, chances are they are "self" insured or bonded which means they would have to personally reimburse you the homeowner out-of-pocket should an item be broken or go missing. Let me hasten to say, there are honest individuals out there who would do that. However, should they fall or injure themselves while cleaning in your home and they have no insurance coverage then your homeowner's policy is responsible. Yikes! Who knew?

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