Friday, August 7, 2009

Town Hall Meeting

I'm thinking tonight about our congressman's Town Hall meeting he's hosting in the morning. I applaud his temerity. Seems some are holding teleconferences by phone, or not at all. Never mind hearing from constituents!

I've never before been a political being. I get too passionate about topics near to my heart in the face of others that take a stubbornly opposing view. Thus I've avoided that public arena ... until now. After all, I am a business owner. I haven't done it right every time, but I've spent 20 years alongside my hard working husband doing my darndest to provide steady jobs to willing employees and a good service to our great customers. Now I'm in there with every other business owner, facing this imposed health care system price tag that will only drive my expenses up which translates into higher consumer prices. What's bad for one is bad for all.

I want good healthcare for everyone when they need it, but this plan which evidently very few of our representatives have even read through, seems to promise a lot but delivers only disappointment, if not in the short term, surely in the long run.

I encourage you to get informed and engage your representative in a dialogue on this -- or any subject you hold dear for that matter. Let them hear from you in person, on the phone, by fax or email. We live in a nation with a representative form of government. Let's exercise our first ammendment right of free speech and freedom of the press to let Congress know we're here and what we want to see happen.

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